About Me


I am fortunate enough to live with an audio engineer, which does make my working life a little easier.  We have also managed to leave London to come and live in a beautiful part of the UK, the Forest of Dean (deepest, darkest Gloucestershire).   We have two dogs (one ageing, one a loopy young lurcher), two beautiful Bengal cats, some rather enormous koi and even some garden hedgehogs.

We are very lucky to have a large space, with fully equipped office facilities and our own recording studio (available for hire if you want to record yourself) within the property.  As I say, Rud my other half works as an audio engineer and music producer (when he is not listening to my voice).

I have been a writer for over 25 years, and you can find full details of this on the Writing page.  I have also been recording audio for clients for over 10 years, some of which I have written, and some I have been given by clients to narrate/read.  The Audio page has more details of this and samples.  I am qualified in NLP and trained in Ericksonian Hypnosis, and have written both hypnosis and meditation scripts.

Career-wise, when not self-employed I have had very broad experience, ranging from Government, the Air Force, Investment Banking, Human Resources, Training and Personal Development, Medical/Veterinary, Business Consulting.

I doubt anyone will be too interested in my hobbies, but they are Tai Chi (Sun short form and Yang long form), reading and walking my dogs.  I like inventively colouring my hair.  I also knit prolifically, design and sell knitting patterns.  You may spot one or two of my creations in site photos of me.





Email me at jaa@julieannamos.com

Call me on 07939 544234 (International +447939544234)
Please respect I am on UK (GMT) time, and whilst I am happy to speak to you at 3am, you are likely to not hear me at my best, or only get my voicemail